የ S&P500 ትርፍ እና ኪሳራ ዛሬ፡ የባንክ ገቢ እና ለስላሳ የዋጋ ግሽበት መረጃ ጠቋሚን ለማሳደግ ይረዳል


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ማወቅ ያለብዎት ነገር

  • The S&P 500 jumped 1.8% on Wednesday, Jan. 15, as several financial firms reported solid results and a downtick in core inflation revived rate-cut hopes.
  • Tesla’s stock soared on reports that its Model Y was in high demand in China and positive analyst comments about its AI and Robotaxi initiatives.
  • Shares of several banks rose on the back of strong earnings, such as Bank of New York Mellon which posted growing fees and decreasing non-interest expenses.

The major U.S. equity indexes made strong gains during the trading session of midweek after a number of banks reported positive earnings. The latest Consumer Price Index report (CPI), which shows a cooling in prices, also contributed to the rise. “core” Inflation in December rekindled optimism that Federal Reserve could implement further interest rate cuts in 2025.

The S&P 500 surged 1.8% on Wednesday. Dow Jones rose by 1.7% due to strong performance from several financial sectors. Meanwhile, the Nasdaq soared 2.5% thanks to a new rate cut outlook.

Tesla (TSLA) shares drove 8% higher, logging the strongest performance in the S&P 500, following reports of a strong first day of orders in China for the carmaker’s updated Model Y electric vehicle (EV). It is anticipated that the updated sport utility vehicle will become available to U.S. consumers and Europeans within a couple of months. Morgan Stanley analysts also predicted that Tesla shares could rise to $800 in value per share within the next year.

Bank of New York Mellon’s (BK), which was one of the firms to post positive quarterly results, was able to exceed its profit expectations thanks in part due an increase in revenue from fees and a decrease in expenses other than interest. BNY’s chief executive highlighted uncertainty regarding tariff proposals by the next presidential administration, and an uncertain outlook for interest rates. However, he emphasized that the bank is on a positive trajectory heading into 2025. Bank of New York Mellon also saw a 8% increase in shares, which led to a rise of bank stocks on Wednesday.

Intuitive Surgical shares (ISRG) also had a strong showing, adding 7.7% to their value after the company released its preliminary fourth-quarter earnings. Sales growth year-over-year of 25% was higher than expected, while procedures using da Vinci’s surgical platform increased 18%. Intuitive is able to increase sales by increasing the number of procedures performed.

Lululemon Athletica (LULU) shares fell 3.1%, losing the most of any S&P 500 constituent on Wednesday. On Monday, the stock rose after Lululemon Athletica (LULU), a maker of yoga wear and apparel, raised its forecast for quarterly profits and sales. The company cited heightened performance in the holiday shopping season as underlying the rise. Lululemon’s shares, though, have seen volatility since then and are unable to maintain their gains.

On Wednesday, shares of generic drug maker Viatris fell 2.8%. In a letter issued last month, FDA restricted the importation of 11 generics drugs manufactured at Viatris’ plant in India. FDA blamed violations in manufacturing, quality control, and handling at the plant. This Wednesday’s fall was part of the downward trend for the stock that began after the FDA announced their restrictions.

Hershey’s (HSY), shares fell 2.3% in one day. After the close of the market last Friday, Hershey announced the departure of CEO Michelle Buck. After a major Hershey shareholder turned down a bid by snack food company Mondelez to create the largest confectionary firm in the world, the uncertainty surrounding Hershey’s leadership was heightened.

This article is now updated with the current closing levels for Bank of New York Mellon.

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